Your Lightbody
What Is the Light Body: Your Lightbody, also called your Merkaba Body is an energetic grid of sacred healing light and sacred geometry...
Magical Silver
COLLOIDAL SILVER or SILVER HYDROSOL is one of nature's magical healing solutions that many people know nothing about. Also called Ionic...
Dream Journal Tips
1. Use a notebook exclusively for your dream journal. Get yourself a NICE dream journal. Dreams contain valuable information. Honor your...
Tips to Improve dream recall
1. Maintain good, consistent sleep habits. Not getting enough sleep or going to bed ‘dog-tired’ can dramatically reduce natural dreaming...
Full Moon Chakra Activation
Here is a Full Moon Chakra Meditation we can all do together to take advantage of the Full Moon energy and activate our chakras at the...
The gift of Psychic Hearing
clair·au·di·ence is the faculty of perceiving, as if by hearing, what is inaudible. "his clairaudience enabled him to overhear the...
What about Mercury Retrograde?
What is Mercury Retrograde? Mercury is the planet closest to the sun, and it revolves around the sun in just 88 days. That’s much faster...
Group Healing
DATE: OCT 10 THEME: Self Worth and Self Love I know we have skipped many months of this but it is time to get back to it. Please read...
Liquor and your Spiritual Self
Liquor and Spirituality; do they mix? Al kol: Genie or spirit that takes on varied shapes or supernatural creature -Arabic mythology. Al...
YOU'RE an Empath? - Truth and Myths
What is Empathy? Empathy is the ability to read and understand people and be in-tune with or resonate with others, voluntarily or...