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Your Soul Star Chakra

Some info on the Soul Star Chakra

Most of us know of the Seven standard and usual chakras. It has become common knowledge these days, but I have been seeing/saying for quite some time that there are so many more chakras than just the 7 main chakras. I'm happy to be finding information that supports this intuition now.

We know there are hand chakras, feet chakras, chakras above the head and below the feet. As well, I intuit, but Science has yet to corroborate that we have chakras that connect us to loved ones, that we share, as well as Universal chakras. That's another subject for another time, though.

For now, let's focus on the Chakra directly above your head, its purpose, where it is and how to activate it.

Your 8th chakra, is the Soul Star Chakra. This is Located about 6 inches above your crown and is connected through all of your chakras and connected to the Soul Star Chakra of the Earth.

When activated, Divine light is able to flow through this energetic center to access higher consciousness. Here, Divine love can be truly felt and experienced, and awareness of your power as a Divine soul and spiritual being is recognized.

When open, Divine light flows up through this chakra, connecting you to the infinite power of the Divine light above before flowing back down to your entire being to replenish, empower, and enlighten, before flowing up once again. In many senses your soul star chakra could be called your chalice of soul energy as the full essence and power of your accumulated soul experiences are available here.

Want to access the akashic records? This too is possible from within your soul star chakra as is total soul realization.

Soul Star Activation can be booked here

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